You can change your views, opinions, ideas, and beliefs
Paradigm shift, or the process of a life transforming
20/05/2018Well, hello 2018!
The new year has been around over a month now… it is time to take a step back and look at how it is unfolding. Are you on the track you set out for yourself? Is your focus well established on the goals you have named for 2018? Are you enjoying the momentum of a new beginning and continuous growth?
If your answer is YES, well done, you! Look ahead, see the beautiful journey in front of you, and keep going! If your answer starts with HMM, WELL, or a straight NO, then ask yourself: What have I lost sight of? Where did my enthusiasm go? Am I on a track at all?
This moment is just as perfect as any to re-calculate and begin again. Here are the steps that I myself have taken to set the tone of my new year journey.
First of all, make sure you have a couple of hours available to spend quietly and undisturbed. Get a notebook and a pen ready so that you can journal each step and create an active brainstorming before you select the things that are standing out from the many thoughts and ideas you will have.
Step 1. Get absolute clarity about the SPACE you want to create.
Take a few minutes to imagine the life you wish for yourself. Think now not of the things you want to do, but of the ways you want to BE. What emotions is the space of your life filled with? What are the qualities within you that you want to bring forward? What do you want to experience in your environment? Jot down all the words that come to mind, then contemplate about them a little, and circle the ones that you feel strongly about.
I am so happy to share with you my answer to my own journey. The space in and around me in the new year may be filled with emotional and financial abundance, faith and confidence, love and ease, slow – mindful and savored – yet impactful flow of motion, with charisma and connection at its core.
Step 2. Set a stake or INTENTION for the new year.
An intention is a word or sentence of your choice that will powerfully guide you through every single action and thought you will have during the period of time you chose it for. It is something that will pop up in front of your eyes in difficult situations, decision making or specific endeavors. Work on your intention setting by allowing yourself to tap into what really resonates for you and not being afraid to pick one thing that feels the most important right now.
My thoughts around my intention for 2018 are to keep my purpose alive in my awareness, manifest it in tangible projects and in my relationships. My choice of a single word is CHARISMA, or in other words MY INTENTION IS TO BE CHARISMATIC. This is the quality in me that I feel will support me best in bringing my purpose alive.
Step 3. Translate the space into tangible ACTIONS from broad to specific.
List all things connected to your purpose and intention that you will do, including as many specifics as possible. Think BIG, let your imagination flow and leave those self-sabotaging gremlins in the corner for now. Here and now everything is possible!
To get an idea check out my list:
- Keep clear track of my WHY/HOW/WHAT. Why do I do what I do? How do I do it? What is the desired outcome?
- Use the power of purpose, stake, intentions every day.
- Create a daily structure.
- Deepen my connection to everything and everyone that matters to me.
- Expand my presence in coaching & writing.
- Lean in with 100% trust into the partnerships that emerge.
- Create 1 workshop a month. Work with 20 clients on-going. Have 1 article posted per week.
- Pick my professional development milestones, such as CTI assisting, reading 10 books.
- Include more exercise. Start dancing. Keep a steady weight. Eat when hungry.
- Go house-sitting to remote destinations.
- Step away from the door, so others can come in.
Step 4. Create a vision board and place it somewhere visible.
Get artistic or go plain, the point is again to let your very own creativity flow, whatever that means. It does not have to be a certain way, it only has to be your way! Write it, draw it, collage it, stick it together. From pictures, from colors, from recycled material, from a pencil. Do what feels right for you, and if you dare try something different too! A vision board will be there each day not only to remind you of everything you wish for yourself, but also to guide you and support you in saying YES to opportunities, getting the courage to start something new and ultimately to fulfill your goals and purpose!
I wish you lots of fun in experimenting with your vision for 2018, and lastly, I will be happy to help you move further along in your journey if you are up for it! Message me if you want me to support you in creating your vision, finding your purpose and walking alongside you through the ups and downs of the new year!
For another perspective on intention setting read this article I loved from Bill Baren.